Thursday, April 5, 2007

Conservative Cheap Skate Won't Buy A Kid Lunch

Proving they're a cheap bunch of bastards as well as forked tongued, two-faced rodents, Conservatives sneeer at the idea they should buy a Canadian kid a lunch. This is not taxpayer responsibility; since it's Conservatives doing the jail house two step on this one the funds should come right out of Conservative coffers - double talking weasels that they are....


UWHabs said...

It's 33 grand. A very small price to pay. I don't see why they won't pay for it.

Tony said...

What's the matter? Don’t these students buy their own lunches when they are attending classes? Why can't they do the same at the Vimy Ridge cermony? Do they expect everything to be handed to them on a platter?

foottothefire said...

Spoken like a true Conservative.