Thursday, April 5, 2007

Conservative Cheap Skate Won't Buy A Kid Lunch

Proving they're a cheap bunch of bastards as well as forked tongued, two-faced rodents, Conservatives sneeer at the idea they should buy a Canadian kid a lunch. This is not taxpayer responsibility; since it's Conservatives doing the jail house two step on this one the funds should come right out of Conservative coffers - double talking weasels that they are....

Crooks n' Liars

98% of Albertans probably didn't know how tightly closed the doors were under Ralph Klein. So follow the CBC link below and learn what a Conservative muzzle is really all about and realize then the Emperor has just begun.
Incidentally, maybe Ed will get around to running full public audits involving all the income sources and all the payout.............any bets, anyone?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Saved Again!

Salvation was at hand today as the Emperor had the horse and wagon out flogging gallons of, "Doc Steve's Constipation Elixer and Testicle Rub". The Oracle On A Belly proclaimed that today he has provided a cure for wait times. (which, he added, are the fault of Liberals).
Yesiree Bob, the Emporer announce a cure is at 2010.
So far, the only commitments worth the lemon juice HE's written them with are so far into the future he'll have had time to give all of Canada to the USA, one log at a time.
But, the real magic is in how he's going to do it.....
with a billion dollars!
What's with Doc Steve and the billion dollar thing? Does the word, "billion" make him feel more manly?

"First Stone", Steve

This will certainly bring out the bottom feeder in Steve, providing fodder to advance his kind of justice system; revenge first, law second.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

How To Fight Conservative Attack Ads

First of all….never mention the ad. Never mention the word, “conservative”.
Mention instead, Liberal and all good things Liberal, for example,
“Stephan Dion is a man who respects the Supreme Court of Canada”.
And, “Stephan Dion supports Canadian troops, first”.
Change the subject and make it positive. Better yet beat them to their daily punch.
Understand that at the core of “The Emperor’s” advertising is an understanding of the advertising principle that it matters little what ‘people’ say about you as long as it’s your name on their lips. So rather than fatten a maggot with it’s own fodder, starve it. Learn to turn the ad or press release with a flood of focus on the good news from the Liberal party. The way around negative advertising is making people happy, and that starts with individual Liberal supporters; say it first, say it often, say it loud. Drown the bastards out with 'happy' every time ‘they’ open their mouths to fart (because that’s all they do, really and people will vote for them just to try and stem the stench.). Be a freath of bresh air!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Aiding and Abetting the Enemy

Doris Day is in Afghanisnam!
God help us All and in particular our kids in uniform.
'Stinky' Day is a disaster, a Joe Btfsplk right out of Lil' Abner, the one with the cloud over his head. The man is to security what Typhoid Mary was to health.
Mind you he does have leadership experience. We all recall his march round the central alberta pub calling on God to "bring 'er Down". The only problem is in Afghanisnam there really aren't many structures still standing.
This is definately not going to help our image with the Afghan's. (maybe we can arrange a late season trade with the Taliban though; Stock and his travel companion, Mr. Justice With A Stick, Vic Toews for, say, Osama).