Saturday, March 24, 2007

Skewing Democracy Conservative Style

Is there a collection of Conservatives anywhere on God’s earth more inclined to believe, “Because! Just because!” is valid and final argument enough.
Senator Marjory LeBreton enlightens Canadians with a piece of repartee characteristic of even those of letters in Canada’s New Government.
Reflecting Harper, the Reform Party and small minded Conservatives everywhere, Senator LeBreton tells us that Canadians everywhere reject the status quo of the Senate. The truth is more like Conservtives in some parts of Canada are tired of an electoral process that cuts them out of stacking the Senate. Though it is a function of an electorate that constantly rejects Conservative governments, Le Breton and her peers believe they should have the power to manipulate the electoral process, insuring a Conservative stacked Senate, the Supreme Court and any other institution they set eyes and heart upon. Of course these new Conservatives are now hard selling the USA’s version of democracy – he with the biggest buck pile wins, owns and dictates.
The bottom line for Conservatives/cumReform/cumConservatives is a committment to a process similar to that provided Alberta by her Conservatives who stacked a deck, concocted electoral fraud then held it all up as proof of how right they are.
Federally, the thing that keeps frustrating Reform/Conservatives is they just can't seem to find more than “Because! Just because!” as a valid argument. To them it doesn't matter how they get there because if they win, it must be righteous.
Congrat’s to The Hill Times for their insightful article on the subject of Senate reform below -

Friday, March 23, 2007

Plato Knew Stephen Harper?

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today Is Hug Karlheinz, Day!

While the PM who sold out his country to George Bush severall times in his short tenure as Govenor of Canada's New Government, hurls accusations of "traitor", at Liberal opposition over the Libs calling O'Connor (that'd be your O'Connor of non-bid airplane fame) to account over HIS bungling of prisoner exchanges, our old friend Karlheinz Schreiber calls the Tories to account.
We know for sure that one very senior Alberta Provincial Cabinet Minister got a "loan", that "couldn't be payed back" but, what of the unnamed Conservatives scattered throughout the country?
Karlheinz is calling for an investigation and Stevie "protect your ass" Harper doesn't want 'things' being said about Conservatives.