Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Trusssssssssssst in me".

Brown, Harper's annointee, is THE leading champion of The "tripe E". And for those that see merit in the idea of a tripe E you might want to review the history of Alberta and Ralph Klein's version of a ‘senate in waiting’ process. It will shed light on a cynical, contrived, stacked process best compared to a Soviet style election. (Does it surprise that it worked?)
Expect nothing less from Harper whose panting lust for Americana would have you believe there could be a better day ahead for Canadians under his………..tutelage. His assuring manner borrows thin slices of truth (and he does slice thin) to add a cynical veil of mortar on a cobbled version of fair, even handed government. Itsy bitsy pieces of old fashion fascism added along his path though, testify to Harpers interest in Canada; the gears are in reverse mode. What Steve has in mind does not include the growth of democracy and freedom in Canada. It does however include a narrowing of the base of power and rights of the individual.
As Hiss the snake said, "Trusssssssssssssssssssst in me".

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