Friday, March 16, 2007

Stephen Iscariot

Maj. Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener still awaits notice from the Prime Minister of his country who fudged a gutless half-promise to respond to results from an investigation into willful Israeli artillery fire that killed Hess-von Kruedener.
Worthy of note as an aside to the cowardly slaying of Hess-von Kruedener was an Iraeli official’s declaration many, many months after the murder, about the pin point accuracy of Israeli artillery fire.
Is it safe to assume, in the absence of further comment from Steve that he too, sold his soul for 30 pieces of silver?
What does that say to Canadian troops in Afghanistan when the leader of their country deserts his post and responsibility so as to not ruffle feathers of HIS new best friends?
At least the Limey’s stick up for their troops.,,2035714,00.html

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