Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Leaky faucets

What better way to avoid taking the heat while reversing direction than with a leak? We need not have worried though; the drip it appears, amounts to nothing more than the typical shallow bowl of watered down Conservative policy du jour.
Like a flea circus, they create little clouds of dust scurrying from one flip-flop to another trying to find that ever so elusive, solid Conservative position that’d be in keeping with their philosophy (which they don’t subscribe to because they were never conservatives to begin with).
Ah, but the circus knows no end. Stevie demonstrates his brand of Barney Fife style decisive leadership by adding a second fax saying, “Don’t you dare tell anyone”.
This is beyond the gang that couldn’t shoot straight; they don't even have a gun.

strategic Value of Somalia?

Maybe it has to do with potential sea ports or, maybe there is hidden mineral wealth but whatever the reason or reasons, the USA doesn’t go about starting wars for nothing. That Somalia serves a strategic purpose to the USA (or the henchmen now running the show) is something you can bet your ass on.
Of notable interest today is the New York Times
article, not so hidden on the first page, that specifies guns for hire are the holding up progress towards whatever puppet government is now acting on behalf of George…..well, at least the people that do George’s thinking. Far be it from anyone to suggest that maybe, just maybe the warlords are combining efforts to get rid of the US puppets and get back to Islamic Cleric control that was emerging and slowly, at long last, restoring peace…up until the US planned/sponsored invasion.
Of what strategic value is Somalia to George’s thinkers? Who the hell knows but wouldn’t it be fun if some real journalists with some real contacts actually BBQ’d some yankee ass and laid it all out for the world to see…..before it goes much further?
Well, at least we got one report that throws out the G’boys theory for launching another war. (That’d be your “Al Qaeda all over the country”, excuse).

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Exlax Might Improve Her Vision

Years ago a pious man told me the reason he and others like him (?) liked the Calgary Sun was that the Sun offers them (?) a chance to voice their opinion. The fact that the Calgary Sun leads the league in sexploitation and promotion of the local sex trade did not distract, sway or anyhow influence the man’s thinking (also, the local Bishop runs a regular column with the irony of it flying right over his head).
It would come as no surprise to many that around the time of growing approval of the Sun by local evangelical’s the same Sun offered a thought provoking question, “what’s wrong with a little religion in politics”. Of course the answer is, if you’re asking the question the answer isn’t going to help you one bit.
Canada surely has more evangelicals in the party holding power than does Iran. Sure as hell we got the largest collection of hillbilly evangelicals sitting in government. These folks are to politics what plugged sinuses are to fresh air. For the sake of your country, Canada, dump them, PLEASE.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Nothing To Fear....

“Nothing to fear but fear itself”, so says Stephen Harper who figures the sky will indeed fall should Canada embark upon a course of international environmental cooperation under Kyoto.
Well hey, maybe he’s right. Why don't we pursue an in depth look at Stevies facts, science and experts detail that have lead to some pretty serious (or reckless) predictions under a Kyoto program?
In the absence of such detail the Conservative environmental program can only be viewed as more in a litany of inadequate, embarrassingly juvenile, poorly cobbled attempts at 'endowment legislation' for special interest groups.
Maybe there is indeed more to fear than fear; a little scepticism about Stephen Harpers competence is always in order but this serious an adventure could necessitate some questioning of integrity.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


The Accountability wanes. The leadership wanes. The courage of conviction wanes. Taking one for the cause doesn’t apply. Nope. And on this one Stevie needs….. TA DA! Cannon fodder! That decisive leader Stephen Harper has opted to lead the charge…….from behind. The point will be led taken by John Baird AND who’s behind ol’ Johnny giving him a shove? Why it’s, ‘STEVIE, THE GUTLESS’ WONDER!
Wasn’t the No-Kyoto your BIG bag, Steve? One of the biggies you were pounding?

"Trusssssssssssst in me".

Brown, Harper's annointee, is THE leading champion of The "tripe E". And for those that see merit in the idea of a tripe E you might want to review the history of Alberta and Ralph Klein's version of a ‘senate in waiting’ process. It will shed light on a cynical, contrived, stacked process best compared to a Soviet style election. (Does it surprise that it worked?)
Expect nothing less from Harper whose panting lust for Americana would have you believe there could be a better day ahead for Canadians under his………..tutelage. His assuring manner borrows thin slices of truth (and he does slice thin) to add a cynical veil of mortar on a cobbled version of fair, even handed government. Itsy bitsy pieces of old fashion fascism added along his path though, testify to Harpers interest in Canada; the gears are in reverse mode. What Steve has in mind does not include the growth of democracy and freedom in Canada. It does however include a narrowing of the base of power and rights of the individual.
As Hiss the snake said, "Trusssssssssssssssssssst in me".

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Gun Control Conservative Style

“…….Because he killed and injured so many victims in a short span of time, some people speculated that Cho used high-capacity magazines containing as many as 33 rounds in each clip.
Under the federal assault-weapons ban enacted in 1994, magazines were limited to 10 rounds…………BUT THAT BAN WAS ALLOWED TO EXPIRE IN 2004”
See the Star for the rest of the story.